Hosting an intern from one of our programs means contributing to the training of a young person, enabling them to gain experience in a company, while benefiting from their talent and skills in the context of a defined mission. 

It’s a win-win exchange between a company and a student. Every year, nearly 3,000 TBS Education students undertake an internship with a company, lasting from 2 to 6 months depending on the program. 


Bachelor in Management

1st year (B1)

Company discovery internship with a commercial dimension  

2 months minimum, starting from May 

2nd year (B2)

Internship within a functional area 

2 months minimum from April 

3rd year (B3)

End-of-studies internship with responsibility 

 4 to 6 months from April 

Master in Management / MSc

1st year of Master

2 types of internships depending on the student’s studies: 

4 to 6 months starting in January or 3 months starting in May 

Gap year

2 internships  

2×6 months (from July to January, and from January to June)

2nd year of Master/MSc

End of studies management internship  

6 months from May 

Internship Department