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ChooseMyCompany published a ranking based on the student’s perception of their own schools in terms of specific parameters that cope for equal opportunities and inclusion throughout social policies: the HappyIndex®AtSchool ranking.

From TBS Education-Barcelona, we are proud to announce that our school has been ranked in the 3rd place in 2023.

TBS Education: commitment for inclusion and equal opportunities

TBS Education is more than just a business school. We are putting big efforts into ensuring a safe and equal space for our students, professors, and staff, due to our diverse policy, which is based on a network with different agents: institutions, partner associations and human resources that contribute, throughout their actions, to support our commitment.

TBS Education is more than just a business school. We are putting big efforts into ensuring a safe and equal space for our students, professors

How do we contribute to equality?

  1. Commitment to inclusion and diversity: TBS Education has signed the CGE (Comission for Gender Equality) charter, which aims for inclusion and respect for diversity by accounting the following facts:
    • Fight against any kind of discrimination: TBS Education is against any kind of violence such as sexual harassment, sexism, sexual and homophobic discrimination by providing tools to prevent, report and deal with these situations.
    • Diversity: at TBS Education, our female staff is 42.3% in the permanent faculty, and 70% when it comes to the members of the restricted management committee. In terms of nationalities, there are 51 people of a foreign nationality from 28 different countries.
    • Period poverty: according to a survey published by FAGE in 2021, period poverty affects 1/3 female students in France. A partnership with the student association of the TBS Education campus in Toulouse, PRISM, made possible to install free distributors containing periodical protection.
  2. Gender equality: EQUAL.ID is TBS’ mentoring program that aims for gender equality and spreading awareness of gender inequalities in both academic and professional fields in order to dismiss stereotypes and help our female students to get ready for their professional integration.
  3. Intolerance towards sexual and gender-based violence: TBS Education does not tolerate any form of discrimination, whether it is with words, behaviours (physical or non-physical) or actions that target a person’s sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity (sexism, harassment, sexual assault, rape, homophobia, transphobia).
TBS Education does not tolerate any form of discrimination,

HappyAtSchool ranking

Happy at School is a community of companies and schools that listen and take care of their stakeholders. This platform has an indicator, the “HappyAtSchool” label, that ranks their students’ satisfaction regarding their school.

Every year, they set this ranking to award schools and universities that meet the essential expectations of their students. Last year, TBS Education was ranked in the 3rd place.

HappyIndex®AtSchool score

This ranking consists of a questionnaire with 21 questions that allows to obtain 2 values as a takeaway:

  1. Questionnaire score: the average score of /5 achieved from the 21 questions
  2. Recommendation rate: % students who would recommend their school to a friend in a range between “somewhat agree” and “strongly disagree”

In addition to this, the participation rate is also calculated with the following formula: number of students who answered / total number of students in the school.

happy at school ranking

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