
Flexibility, dynamism, mobility, creativity, passion, innovation… these are some words that come to mind when we ask new generations about the perfect working conditions for them. Salary and brand recognition are not enough anymore, it seems.

There were once days where employees had to follow conformed working hours spending the whole day confined in their desk. Those days are gone.

Live different, work different

Growing up in a fast-changing world and being driven by curiosity, millennials (Gen Y) and centennials (Gen Z) are looking for more and more flexibility when working, and they can’t be blamed for that.

What these generations want is a more pleasant, collaborative and inclusive working place. And while many consider them as spoiled, they are as hardworking as their parents, and even more innovative and creative with all the technological environment they are operating in.

For them, flexibility goes hand in hand with productivity: “allow me to work when and where I want, and I’ll provide you with even better results than expected”. Even more, they need to feel impressed by the company’s culture and be able to align their value with its vision. Having a meaningful job is thus key for them.

Millennials and centennials want to be happy at work! As opposed to previous generations, if they are not satisfied by a job, they just change it. Employee’s loyalty and retention are indeed not taken for granted anymore and keeping them are getting more and more complicated.

The role of companies

Companies are understanding this and gradually reshaping their working place to recruit and retain their talents and this by providing social benefits for employees and emphasizing their cultural organization and their involvement in social and environmental causes.

Therefore, the well-being of employees is one of today’s key concerns as companies are working more and more on optimizing the involvement and the satisfaction of their employees at work: modular spaces, internal activities, entertaining and relaxing areas, monitoring programs, and – though still not very common – 24h/7 days opening office hours.

Companies know now what they need to do: embrace flexibility and cultural belongingness!

By Soukaina Nasri, a student of Master in Management at TBS Barcelona

Tags: corporative culture|flexibility at work|Gen Z|generation Y|generation Z|millenials|working environment

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