Studying online can be very convenient in some aspects, but it also presents several challenges. This year everything indicates that courses will be largely online, which is why we bring you 10 tips for studying from home.

  1. Impose a routine on us.

Being at home most of the day can result in us taking longer than we would like to study, and the line between work and rest can become blurred. It is essential to separate study time from leisure or rest time, to optimize the time we spend working and make it much more productive, instead of lengthening our tasks throughout the day.

2. Taking breaks

In our routine, breaks are essential. Dedicating time to rest is just as important as taking time to study, but they must be well defined. When we organize ourselves we must also take into account the time we will spend on recovering energy.

3. Identifying our objectives

Getting organized is much easier if you have first established clear objectives. If every day we are clear about what we must accomplish beforehand, it will be much easier, in the long run, to get through the semester. It is always better to divide our objectives into small steps and cross them out of our lists, to go about fulfilling small goals, and to make our progress visible motivates much more than setting unattainable goals in a very short time.

4. Having a workspace

In order to separate work from rest, it is necessary to separate the space where we work from the space where we rest, something that is also complicated by studying online. Many students study and sleep in the same room, which makes this separation difficult. Experts recommend creating a study corner, even if it is not far from our bed. Keeping our space clean, tidy, and airy is also important for clear thinking.

5. Don’t leave everything to the last minute

Having the materials posted online from the beginning of the semester may invite students to procrastinate work. Concerning the above points, it is necessary to move forward throughout the semester so that we are not overwhelmed during the exam period.

6. Avoiding distractions

Maintaining concentration can be more difficult in an online class than in a face-to-face one. It is highly recommended to keep your mobile phone away and quiet while studying or in an online class so that you can be more attentive.

7. Do not underestimate online work

Studying online may seem easier than taking classes face-to-face: there is no time spent on travel and we are more at home. Even so, we have to bear in mind that the workload of the subjects will be very similar and that, therefore, the time we have to dedicate to study is the same.

8. Participating in online activities

Although the courses are online, the applications for attending them offer the possibility of participating in the sessions, either through chat or by asking the teacher to speak. Participating in online activities helps students not to feel so isolated and creates a sense of community in the classroom that can be very motivating.

9. Creating study groups

As well as participating in class, another thing that helps us feel accompanied is to create study groups. Keeping in touch with our classmates will help us achieve our goals and make us feel less isolated. Seeing that we are not alone in the learning process is also key to maintaining motivation.

10. Contact teachers whenever necessary

Teachers are available to students. Whenever we have a doubt or need help we should not hesitate to contact them. Going to them is also a way of feeling more accompanied in the educational process.

consejos estudio online

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