Hard work and consistency pay off. This is shown by the excellence scholarship that the Bachelor in Management student Vicente Durá has received for obtaining the second-best grades in first, as well as for his commitment to the school.

A model to follow

TBS BCN Vicente Dura

Vicente, who chose the English track on the Barcelona campus, has Spanish as his mother tongue but has studied all his life in English. From the beginning of our conversation, he shows joy and surprise at the recognition in the form of a scholarship. “The truth is that I did not expect it, I feel that all my efforts during the first year have been valued. Honestly, it has not been easy since I put a lot of effort in the first year, academically and extra-curricular (being a class delegate, the nightlife project, and the mastermind talk group) “, he explains. He also points out something on which we all agree: “And if you add COVID with the difficulties it has entailed with online classes and social distancing, it was not an easy year for me or anyone.”

But, let’s take it one step at a time! What led Vicente to choose the TBS in Barcelona campus? “I decided to come to TBS because I saw that it was a very international university and that is highly valued practical learning: it provides the possibility of doing internship agreements from the first year. It is also a university that places a lot of importance on soft skills, which is undoubtedly very important in the 21st century. “

“Studying at TBS is a unique experience because I believe that few universities are as international as this one.”

He continues: “What I like the most about TBS is that it offers you a lot of flexibility and provides you with many opportunities that other universities do not, like internships and projects. In addition, TBS allows you to stand out from other candidates in the world of work since it opens the doors to enrich your CV greatly. What I appreciate the most about TBS is the personal contact you have with the professors since the classes are in small groups. This makes classes a comfortable environment and allows you to have a personalized service. “

“I cannot be happier to have been able to meet so many people of so many nationalities and to have seen my city from a new point of view. «

A matter of practice

As part of the Bachelor program, Vicente did his first internship at the startup TeamEQ, which carries periodic surveys of the work environment, providing people analytics to teammates, team leaders, and senior managers of companies. “There, I had the position of Client Excellence & Junior Analyst where I put my knowledge of UX / UI, Excel, and communication into practice. It was highly beneficial for me to know how companies work from the inside and to be able to contribute ideas and knowledge “, says the student.

Durá also does not miss the opportunity to reflect on the program in general and the style of the classes in particular: «I liked TBS from the beginning, because it invites you to study specific subjects already in the first year, unlike the typical degrees of ADE in Spain where in the first years you have to study general subjects with little added value. I also appreciated that 40% of the weighting of the grades of the subjects comes from continuous assessment, which means that you do not risk everything in an exam, and I think that is why I did so well in the first year because I am a practical person.”

And the future?

Vicente’s future, as we can imagine, does not stop at our borders. «In June, I enrolled to go to ZHAW University in Zürich (Switzerland), and I will go there in February. I am looking forward to it! Regarding the third year, I still do not know on which campus I will do it. I am thinking about whether to do it in Toulouse or Barcelona, but it depends on the specialization I want to do. »

Beyond the years at TBS and international experience, Durá is excited about the future, although he also describes it as “very uncertain.” This is how he tells us: «The truth is that I don’t know what I’ll be doing in two years. I think that COVID has made us understand that many things can change, and as a result, I am more spontaneous. My plan, for the moment, is to continue developing my company, and it may be that in a while, I may be financially dependent on it. If not, I wouldn’t mind working in a company, but I still don’t know what I’d like to specialize in. Nor do I close the doors to study more, but I want to focus on the world of work for now. “It will be a successful future, of that, we are sure.

Do you want to follow in Vicente’s footsteps? See all the information about the Bachelor in Management program below.

TBS BCN Vicente Dura

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