Over 40 international counsellors came to Toulouse and Barcelona to learn first-hand about TBS Education

The 6th edition of “Re-Think Counselling”, an event designed for counsellors from all over the world, began on Thursday 14 November. More than 40 professionals enjoyed activities and guided tours on the campuses in Toulouse and Barcelona. The objective: to get up close and personal with TBS Education so they could tell future students what the school’s campuses are really like.

The event welcomed a total of 42 guests with 19 nationalities from 29 different countries: China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, United Arab Emirates, Spain, USA, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Macedonia, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, the Netherlands, Panama, Peru, Poland, Romania, Switzerland and Turkey.


“It’s been incredible being able to get to know the school, communicate directly with the students to find out what they like most and, above all, attend the classes,” said Silvia Moreno from the American International School of Costa Rica. “The visit gives you a better idea of what TBS Education is trying to project as an institution and in terms of studying business administration and its implications,” he added.

The first stop was Toulouse, where the counsellors were welcomed by Stéphanie Lavigne, the director of TBS Education. They enjoyed a tour of the French city and sitting down for a meal with some students, as well as presentations about the centre’s values and programmes from lecturers and members of staff.


On Saturday, it was time to visit Barcelona. Like in Toulouse, guests had the opportunity to visit Barcelona’s iconic spots along with the most prominent examples of Catalan Modernist architecture, including Casa Batlló and Casa Amatller, on a trip through time that demonstrated how the city has evolved from its beginnings to the present day.

On Sunday the counsellors were invited to a fascinating networking lunch. The venue was La Foodieteca, a gastronomic space in the heart of Barcelona where they were able to create their own Spanish tapas, accompanied by a chef, some students and the TBS Education team.

On Monday, the presentation given by Olivier Benielli, Director of TBS Education in Barcelona, was an unmissable way to bid farewell to five days of frenzied activity. Yancy Vaillant, Research Professor of Strategy, also ran a workshop on Entrepreneurship in Higher Education, while Joanna Pousset, Research Professor of Economics and Finance, guided the Lead by Example! activity.

You can really feel the familiar and incredibly welcoming atmosphere on the Barcelona campus. It’s like visiting somebody’s house,” said Erin Hawken from the American International School of Budapest, Hungary. “Everyone seems very supportive and attentive, they really want to know who you are,” she concluded.

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