TBS Education is ranked 86th in the 200 International Trade Master’s Programs Ranking, provided by the Hinrich Foundation along with QS.

The MSc International Business program reached this position, placing TBS Education among the best schools offering these studies.

MSc International Business: 86th in Trade Master's Ranking

Hinrich Foundation along with QS.

For the first time, the Hinrich Foundation and QS have done this teamwork, evaluating the best options for trade-related master’s programs. On this first edition, around 250 universities and business schools have been rated to help students worldwide regarding decision-making.

The conclusions drawn from some experts after the ranking has been published are the following affirmations: the dependence on trade in China, according to Stewart Paterson; the need to find a new approach to trade, according to Stephen Olson; and the incipient strategic reglobalization from the reform of the WTO (World Trade Organization), as well as the important role that webinar has been taking since the last couple of years.

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