Le figaro Etudiant ranks Bachelor in Management TBS Education #2

Le Figaro Étudiant 2023 has ranked our Bachelor in Management in second place in its annual ranking. This prestigious French newspaper has also placed our Bachelor in the 7th place in its national ranking of BBAs.

Le Figaro – TBS Education 2nd place

The methodology for this ranking has been based on certified data from the CEFDG (Commission d’Évaluation des Formations et Diplômes de Gestion) and data from Parcoursup, which gathers all the criteria to evaluate academic excellence. However, Le Figaro has also included other features such as internalization, apprenticeship programs, and the employment rate of the students after graduating.

3 students talking relaxedly on the university staircase

Key points of our Bachelor in Management

Some of the key points of our Bachelor in Management are the internationalization and the programs taught in English. Our program allows students to study abroad in our four campuses (Barcelona, Toulouse, Paris, and Casablanca), as well as a course 100% taught in English.

Inspiring education

From TBS Education-Barcelona, we are beyond proud of reaching such a good position and getting the recognition of a prestigious source. TBS Education is working and improving every day to offer an excellent education to all students.

Bachelor in Management | TBS Education-Barcelona

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