Yana Kalinska, student of 2nd yeard of the Bachelor in Management program at TBS in Barcelona, explains us how her first days in quarantine are being and gives her classmates some tricks to stay firm with study schedules. 

How is the quarantine experience being?

Quarantine is a very strange period. People panic all over the world and everybody locked in their homes. I have to get used to it, to use this free time usefully and not to lose my mind. 


How are the online classes?

I had only one online exam and I’m satisfied with it. We had contact with the teacher and received all the important information. I will have online classes next week.


Are you talking to your classmates about the lessons?

Yes, I did! And the common opinion is that this system of education is quite good, as well as the solution to this world problem. 


Is it easy to concentrate at home?

It’s not that difficult to concentrate at home, if it is possible to find quiet place. However, I prefer to study in the university or in the library. Specific places make me more productive.

Could you give the future students any advice in order to success with the elearning mode?

Follow all information that you receive (email, campus etc.) and communicate with other students. This way you won’t be able to miss any important information.



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