The new issue of Esencial magazine is now available, a magazine with all the latest news from the TBS Barcelona campus in English and Spanish. Esencial #44 contains reports, book recommendations, and articles about the events that have taken place on campus in recent months.

Anne Rivière, director of the Grande École and MSc programs, invites students in her column to face the new year, “we start 2021 under a climate of persistent uncertainty, but also full of permanent challenges and hope for the future”. The number also includes an article on the Equal.ID program, a project that “seeks real equality in business by combating gender stereotypes”. Although much progress has been made on gender equality, gender equality is still a challenge in 2021, as only 6% of management positions are held by women, and there are still companies where women are paid 30% less than men. For this reason, Equal.ID puts female students in contact with women from the business world who mentor them throughout the course.

The issue contains a compilation of the activities carried out on campus (in this case virtually), such as Job Days, Parents Day, as well as the third UNIR debate, which dealt with the issue of food waste and included the participation of Too Good To Go. On the same page, we have the opportunity to meet Marta de la Fuente, a member of the TBS admissions department.

The second report of Esencial presents the SESAME program, aimed at second-year students of the Master in Management. The program allows students to implement the knowledge acquired in their classes by becoming real consultants for two weeks.

In the section dedicated to teachers, Sébastien Bauer and Olivier Buigues talk about the No-coding challenge, the latest technological breakthrough that allows anyone to create high-level apps without writing a single line of code. No-coding opens up endless opportunities, as the testimonies of students who took part in the no-coding course explain.

Besides, Esencial recommends a series of books that can open doors to Spanish and French literature for our international students. Finally, the issue also offers a glimpse of the TBS Barcelona blog with the theme “The age of hyperspecialized business“, previously published on our website.

If you liked the issue, learn more about our Bachelor in Management, our Master in Management, or one of our 5 MSc programs.

New Issue Esencial 44

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