Graduated from the Master in Management at TBS Education in 2018, Jim Pasquet could have jeopardized his graduation by mistakenly scheduling his final oral exam at the wrong time! This misadventure only strengthened his determination and enthusiasm to face the challenges ahead. Discover his inspiring journey.


After three years of undergraduate studies, he joined the MIM as an AST (Assistant of Specialized Tracks) in Master 1, drawn to the Barcelona campus of TBS Education. Inspired by the diverse backgrounds of students and professors he encountered during his time in Barcelona, he chose to specialize in International Business, under the guidance of Martine Boutary, HDR professor. She profoundly influenced Jim Pasquet’s academic journey with her support and kindness.
This choice to specialize in International Business allowed him to blend enjoyment with work, optimizing his final years of study.


During his studies, he embarked on a rich and educational international adventure. Alongside his fellow student Yanis, he co-founded the association Youth ID, aiming to engage youth in political, economic, sports, and civic decisions. Their ambitious project led them to travel across more than 20 countries in four months, interviewing young people from diverse cultures.

“It was a very intense experience: enriching due to the hundreds of encounters and also challenging due to the fast-paced travel and the strain it put on my friendship with Yanis.”

On the Barcelona campus, Jim Pasquet contributed to the Sustainable Development Office. He also supported various artistic and social projects, including initiatives for the homeless.


During his final internship, with the support of his professor Martine Boutary, Jim Pasquet undertook an entrepreneurial project titled “Becoming a communication agency for impact-driven businesses.” It was in this context that he created the website for Le Pavé, an innovative company co-founded with his childhood friend Marius Hamelot.

“When Marius told me about his desire to start a business, I wanted to join the adventure immediately! Initially, it was a simple yet powerful idea: to offer a solution to the massive challenge of waste to decarbonize the construction industry. Our current focus is producing panels made from recycled waste in our factories, which are then transformed into finished products in the construction sector. It’s an infinite, profound, and fascinating challenge.”

Thus, Le Pavé aims to transform recycled waste into construction materials. They notably manufactured 11,000 seats for the Adidas Arena and the Olympic Aquatic Center, recycling 100 tons of plastic. With 35 employees, the company has successfully completed over 1,600 projects, recycling 700 tons of plastic waste and saving nearly 1.2 million kilograms of CO2.

Another notable initiative was creating a wall covering for a working room at the Élysée Palace, made possible by integrating their materials with traditional woodworking skills.

“The goal is to remove waste from its consumerist cycle and transform it into a sensible and sustainable product. With Le Pavé, we produce materials that, like a wooden board, offer multiple uses: flooring, countertops, trays… Our current goal: to become the European reference for eco-materials. To achieve this, we aim to valorize 1,000,000 tons of waste by 2040!”


Among the memories from his time at TBS Education, he recalls the eloquence contests in English classes as a significant moment.

“In our English classes, I remember eloquence contests debating between two teams. I loved this exercise.”

These spirited debates not only honed his communication skills but also strengthened his teamwork and ability to defend his ideas convincingly.

The support and education he received during his journey also prepared him for his professional future, allowing him to live and experience his initial steps into the world of entrepreneurship.

“It enabled me to experience my first major entrepreneurial failure with Youth ID, which was truly formative for what followed.”


Jim Pasquet quotes Naval Ravikant: “Read what you love until you love to read. No matter what field you choose, it will always help to love reading.”
This approach underscores the importance of intellectual curiosity and passion in professional success.

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