As one of the best business schools in Europe, TBS Education ensures academic excellence through a highly selective admission process. If you are considering applying for our courses, here is how the application process works. 

Please review the details below, and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. 

Is it right for me?

Before applying, please review the admission requirements listed below. Given the high competition for places, meeting the typical admission requirements may not guarantee your spot. 

Candidate’s profile

Proficiency in English

How to apply?

Before applying for our business management studies, please check carefully the admission process steps listed below. 

1. Start your online application 

2. Upload the required application documents 

3. Pay the application fee

4. TBS studies your application file 

5. Wait to be notified of the admission resolution 

6. Pay the program’s fees 

When to apply

As this program is highly competitive and the available places are limited, early application is advised. 

Student admissions are based on fairness, reliability, and non-discrimination based on birth, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, opinion, or any other personal or social condition or circumstance. 

The deadline for uploading your application is the 13th of December 2024.

More information on the Postgraduate Programs