ChatGPT, Dall-E, Midjourney, DeepMind, Bard… probably you have heard about some of these technologies. They constantly appear in the media and have started a myriad of discussions about the potential business, social, and ethical implications of a new and much more powerful type of Artificial Intelligence: Generative AI. This emerging technology has the ability to generate new content, such as images, videos, text, and even music, that closely resemble human-created content. The impact of generative AI in business can be seen in several areas.

Exploring the Influence of Generative AI in Various Areas

Automate the creation of content

Firstly, in content generation, generative AI allows businesses to automate the creation of content. It can generate realistic and high-quality images, videos, and text, which can be used in marketing materials, product design, and branding. This enables businesses to create content at scale, saving time and resources.

To create personalized experiences for their customers

Secondly, generative AI facilitates personalization. By leveraging data and machine learning algorithms, businesses can use generative AI to create personalized experiences for their customers.

This can be seen in personalized product recommendations, customized marketing messages, and tailored user interfaces.

Generative AI helps businesses deliver targeted and relevant content to individual customers, enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement.

AI image- AI can help to crete personalized experience for thier customer

To generate unique and innovative designs

Furthermore, generative AI has a significant impact on the field of design. It enables designers to explore new possibilities and push creative boundaries.

By generating multiple design variations and exploring different possibilities, designers can quickly iterate and refine their ideas. Generative AI tools assist designers in generating unique and innovative designs, whether it’s for products, architecture, or visual arts.

Automation tasks

Lastly, generative AI has implications for automation and optimization in business processes. It can assist in automating tasks that require creativity, such as content creation and design.

By automating these tasks, businesses can free up human resources for more strategic and complex endeavors. In other words, generative AI has a profound impact on businesses across various domains. It enables automated content generation, personalization, design exploration, data synthesis, and process optimization. With further advancements, generative AI holds great potential for revolutionizing how businesses operate and innovate in the future.

However, the impact of generative AI will not be evenly distributed through industries.

Sectors in which generative AI is most used

advertising, marketing, entertainment

Industries such as advertising, marketing, and entertainment heavily rely on creative content. Generative AI can revolutionize content creation by automating the generation of visuals, text, and multimedia elements. It can assist in designing engaging campaigns, personalized experiences, and interactive content, leading to improved customer engagement and more efficient production processes.

Manufacturing and product design

In manufacturing and product design, generative AI can play a crucial role in optimizing design processes and enhancing product performance. By using algorithms to generate and evaluate design options, businesses can identify optimal configurations, minimize material waste, and expedite the prototyping phase. Generative AI also enables the creation of complex, customizable designs that were previously challenging to achieve.

Human resources and talent acquisition

In addition, regarding human resources and talent acquisition, generative AI can streamline the recruitment process by automating candidate screening, resume analysis, and interview scheduling. It can assist in identifying the best candidates for specific roles and help HR professionals make data-driven decisions.

Fraud detection, risk assessment, and algorithmic trading in the finance and banking industries

Finally, generative AI can assist in areas such as fraud detection, risk assessment, and algorithmic trading in the finance and banking industries. It can analyze vast amounts of financial data to identify patterns, detect anomalies, and provide valuable insights for decision-making. These are just a few examples of the benefits that generative AI can bring to several industries.

However, materializing these benefits is not easy at all.


Companies and organizations face external and internal challenges that they need to overcome if they want to fully capture the value of generative AI, and not being displaced by competitors who actually solved these challenges.

How artificial intelligence impacts business. More and more AI-enabled software is becoming available to businesses. Knowing how to use them can help us. TBS EDUCATION

The adoption of generative AI introduces several managerial challenges that organizations must navigate.

  1. One such challenge is the skill gap and workforce readiness. Managers need to identify the necessary skill sets and invest in training programs to ensure their employees are equipped to understand and effectively work with generative AI technologies. This may require hiring new talent or upskilling existing employees.
  2. Another challenge is data management and governance. Generative AI models rely on vast amounts of data to generate meaningful outputs. Managers must establish robust data management practices to ensure the quality, security, and privacy of the data used in generative AI systems. They need to address issues related to data collection, storage, access, and compliance with data protection regulations.
  3. Ethical considerations are also significant challenges. Generative AI raises ethical concerns related to privacy, bias, accountability, and the potential misuse of generated content. Managers must develop ethical frameworks and guidelines to guide the responsible use of generative AI technologies within their organizations.
  4. Managing risks and uncertainties associated with generative AI is another challenge. The outputs generated by generative AI systems may be unpredictable or uncertain, which can introduce risks to business operations and decision-making. Managers need to assess and mitigate these risks through robust testing, validation, and monitoring processes.
  5. Furthermore, organizational change management is crucial when adopting generative AI. Introducing new technologies and workflows can disrupt existing processes and roles within the organization. Managers must facilitate change management efforts, including effective communication, training, and stakeholder engagement, to ensure smooth integration and adoption of generative AI.
  6. Finally, there may be financial considerations associated with adopting generative AI. Implementing and maintaining generative AI systems can involve significant upfront investments in infrastructure, technology, and expertise. Managers need to assess the financial viability and return on investment of adopting generative AI and develop appropriate budgeting and resource allocation strategies.
Implementing and maintaining generative AI systems can involve significant upfront investments in infrastructure, technology, and expertise.

Overall, addressing these managerial challenges requires a proactive and strategic approach. Managers need to prioritize skills development, establish robust data governance practices, navigate ethical considerations, manage risks and uncertainties, facilitate organizational change, and carefully assess the financial implications of adopting generative AI.

Author: Carlos Carrasco, PhD

Assistant Professor at TBS Education – Barcelona

Department: Information, Operations and Management Sciences

Our MSc programs offer specialized modules that cover various aspects of artificial intelligence. For instance, in the Master of Science in Digital Transformation & Business Innovation, you will delve into concepts like digital technologies, digital strategies, IT, Generative AI (such as ChatGPT), and Data Governance. Moreover, you will explore the cutting-edge digital analysis techniques used in the field, such as Business Intelligence and Data Visualization.

The initial unit of this program is centered around harnessing the opportunities presented by digital technologies, including AI, cloud computing, blockchain, metaverse, and more. Through hands-on classes, you will have the chance to familiarize yourself with the latest tools and discover their potential for driving business innovation.

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