UN Conference - tbsmun

Our students Charlotte Chenfir and Evis Santos launched TBS MUN, a new Model United Nations club aimed at exploring current events, debating real-world challenges, and stepping into the shoes of diplomats seeking a better world.

As members of an international community, we need to stay informed about global events and understand how to respond to them. For example; Yesterday, TBS MUN invited Vicente Escribano, an expert in management and supply chain, from the United Nations Human Rights Council to speak about his expert topic.

We can assist 500M people in 72 hours, anywhere in the world?

World map UN

No, even a large institution like the United Nations (UN) cannot attend to everyone at the same time. With this question, Vicente started the conference.

When Vicente began working at the UN in 2010, there were only 7,000 employees. Since then, due to an increase in conflicts and the arrival of more refugees, the number of employees has risen to 9,000. While the popular belief is that all employees work in an office, the reality is that a significant number are involved in fieldwork. However, even with this increase, the number of staff is still less than what is necessary.

For it, one key point of the conference was how to improve logistics in emergency response. This involves creating a plan, anticipating potential events, building flexibility, and enhancing agility and capability. Even if we can’t stop the conflict, we can quickly address the need to assist at least 600000 people with supplies within these 72 hours if we make the correct plans.

It’s not only a problem for the UN; with small steps from everyone, we can make a difference. That’s why is it’s important to understand what we can do and know how these institutions work and can assist in making progress.

refugee camp

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