This ranking, which distinguishes 37 Grande Ecole programs offering a Master’s degree (bac +5), places TBS Education among the top 10 schools in France.

L’Etudiant’s ranking analyzes the performance of these schools according to 7 criteria: academic excellence, proximity to companies, international scope, social openness, professional integration, graduate satisfaction, and environment.

With an overall average of 56 points out of 76, TBS Education is positioned as an excellent choice among the most reputable schools.

TBS Education, a business school committed to excellence

In 2022, TBS Education took a significant step forward by becoming a company with a mission, thus integrating its societal commitments into its articles of association. This institutional evolution is reflected in our raison d’être, which is focused on contributing to a more sustainable and responsible economy through research with societal impact.

L’Etudiant 2024 ranking

By using this method, TBS Education prepares a wide range of understanding and enlightened individuals who are prepared to hold important positions in businesses that support an ethical and sustainable economy.

The well-being of our students is our top priority, and we prioritize social transparency, environmentally conscious and modern campuses, and cutting-edge educational opportunities.

The faculty, the guarantor of TBS Education’s academic excellence, comprises experts capable of producing impactful research, thus training responsible managers to be aware of societal and environmental challenges.

The international dimension plays a central role in the pedagogy of the school’s programs, with 54% of international professors from 36 different nationalities. Collaboration with more than 200 internationally renowned universities and the presence of almost half of our students from all over the world foster multicultural immersions that stimulate interdisciplinarity, open-mindedness and students’ ability to adapt.

TBS Education’s commitment to enhancing the employability of its students is reflected in its close collaboration with companies. This is demonstrated through the co-construction of training programs, company forums, and personalized career support for students.

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