Let infographics into your life!
published on 10.05.17
A recently published article from Hubspot, explains the science behind how including images in, for example, the posts we make on social media greatly increases the attractiveness of the content.
In addition, the use of infographics (representations of textual content in an image format) to provide attractive visual representations of content that would have previously been published in text format, has become very popular of late.
But are you aware of the best ways to make infographics appealing? Here are just a few:
- You must be clear about the topic and information that you want to include
- The structure of the content is important, it must be easily understood
- Choose a simple font and a good colour range
- Less is more (be as minimal as you can)
- The less text included, the better. Avoid spelling mistakes!
- The format must be appropriate to the website or network where it will be posted
Here are some free websites where you can easily create infographics to accompany your work:
Picktochart: https://piktochart.com/
Visme: https://www.visme.co/
Canva: https://www.canva.com/
And to finish, a selection of the best infographics of 2016. Check it out!
Fuentes: Picktochart / Universia / Hubspot
Chus GarcÃa, Responsable de Biblioteca TBS Barcelona
Tags: communication|comunicación|imágenes|images|infografÃa|infographic|marketing|redes sociales|social media|visual