Interview with the TBS students in charge of the Inspired creative community

Yasser Santiago and Jessica González are second-year students of the Bachelor in Management of TBS Barcelona. She is French-Peruvian, and he is Bolivian-Lebanese. A few months ago, together with two more students from TBS, Adama Keïta and Olivia Richard, they undertook the Inspired project.

What is Inspired?

Inspired is a student association of TBS Barcelona, which aims to develop a creative community that serves as a resource of inspiration and networking for any student, TBS or not. 

How did the idea come about?

The original idea was to create a student association focused on the world of fashion. We wanted to help students who are specializing in the fashion and luxury sector to get in touch with companies in this industry.

But clearly, it has gone further than that…

We saw that our idea had more potential than the use we were giving it. Now we focus on creation in general, be it design, entrepreneurship, fashion…

We partnered with FIU BCN, a collective of creatives that offers services such as a coworking space, organizes events and facilitates interaction and collaboration between creatives.

What functions do you perform as an association?

At the moment, we are dedicated to the creation of content for FIU, but in the future, we are planning to produce videos, podcasts … We want our platform to be a speaker for little-known creators. In addition, we have participated in several events …

What events?

Recently we went to the club Shoko to attend the launch party of a fashion designer who is quite new in the sector, Clara Miles… We also recently interviewed an entrepreneur from Barcelona LCI design school. Finally, this past week we were invited to the presentation of a magazine for creatives, which took place at FIU.

And do you have plans for the future?

We are working on our first workshop, to which we invite four speakers, among whom is Sébastien Bauer, professor of Social Innovation and Change at TBS Barcelona. The event is called “The new art is innovating” and will take place at the FIU facilities.

What will the workshop be about?

We understand that creativity is not limited to a profession, everyone can have a good idea. However, to bring the ideas out we need people to inspire us. The four guests are examples to follow. Nowadays, in such saturated markets, there is nothing as important as innovation.

As business students and creators of artistic content, do you already know what you want to do?

Yasser: I still do not know. That is precisely why I wanted to have a network of inspiring people within my reach.

Jessica: In my case, I have clear that I want to mix both worlds. In this sense, Inspired allows me to see new options and learn from professionals who know how to mix business and creativity.

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