According to the new report Tech Hubs Overview, published collectively by Mobile World Capital Barcelona, Ajuntament de Barcelona and ACCIÓ (Agency for Business Competitivity of Catalonia, endorsed by the Catalan Government), Barcelona is the European capital city of technological hubs.

Key figures

  • Since 2018, the city has doubled the number of hubs
  • 65% of these hubs are invested by European companies
  • 8 out of 10 of the companies are established in the city onsite
  • 46% of the companies are located at the 22@ district


  • The economic impact overpasses 1.400 million euros
  • Over 15.000 professionals are employed because of these hubs
  • Half of the hubs are influential in the decision-making of international companies
  • The average of foreign nationalities is 18 per company, which brings international talent to the city
  • Innovative culture and diversity when it comes to working habits
view of Barcelona _ Barcelona Hub

The role of universities and schools

All in all, one of the sections of this report mentions the demands that these technological hubs commonly require: improvements in the procedures of the regulatory framework, as well as increasing cooperation with universities and align the curriculum and study programs with the interests of the ICT industry.

The new TBS Education-Barcelona campus is not only surrounded by powerful, international hubs, but it allows our students to be in touch with a positive environment that inspires their future professional careers. In addition to this, our students match many of these companies’ perfect candidate due to the international profile and technology-oriented programs, such as our MSc Digital Transformation & Business Innovation.

Barcelona a technological hub city

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