Benefit from the expertise of our teachers

Participate in class 

Sharing your professional experience with students is an effective complement to the academic input provided in our teaching programs. In particular, these interventions enable you to bring a different or complementary approach to managerial practices, in tune with changes in the industry, know-how and corporate functions. 

Benefit from the expertise of our teachers

Contribute to the reflection and creation of new activities 

Companies’ needs in terms of skills are constantly evolving, leading to the regular adaptation of existing training programs or the creation of new teaching modules. At your request, or at the request of our teacher-researchers, program managers and/or professional option managers, TBS Education offers you the opportunity to be involved in the development of training modules. 

Participate to a business case

Working closely with our professors, you can propose and/or actively participate in the writing of company case studies, highlighting concrete issues linked to the fields of corporate management: strategy, marketing, human resources, finance and so on. Case studies can be used regularly as part of major written assignments, as a way of promoting your company while getting our students to think about the issues and solutions involved.

Example of a case study

A company wants to upgrade one of its “trendy” products. What marketing strategy should be employed to launch the new generation of a high-tech consumer product in a hyper-competitive context? What technical choices should be made? What features should be retained or developed, based on a competitive analysis? What new services should accompany the launch?

Engage with our students

Benefit from strategic diagnosis tools and techniques: SESAME  

It is a unique active teaching exercise. A company presents to a group of last year Master students (about 40 students/group) a real-life strategic problem. The students diagnose and propose solutions at the end of a process structured around 3 key stages: analysis of the company in its context, research into ideas and recommendations, and finally feedback to the company. Through the SESAME mission, the company opens up its thinking to new analyses, and the students practice strategic decision-making by becoming junior consultants for 3 weeks. SESAME missions are developed in partnership with the program’s educational coordinator. The missions are supervised by TBS strategy professors who coach the students. Each year, there are 25 SESAME missions spread over Toulouse and Barcelona campuses. 

More information about SESAME:

Delphine Arnau
Head of Corporate Relations and Career Services
933 10 01 11

Benefit from an operational Assignment 

Your company can propose and host an operational assignment as part of a program or specialization carried out by a small group of students. This mission consists of working on a specific subject or project in order to propose and implement operational solutions within your company. 

Team Business Challenge/ hackaton

Supporting entrepreneur students  

Encouraging entrepreneurship, business creation and development is a key element of the TBS strategy. Through mentoring or entrepreneurial support programs, you can provide recommendations, advice and guidance to students motivated by business creation and the entrepreneurial approach, as they set up their projects in our TBSeeds educational incubator and in the 3rd year specialization of the Bachelor in Management program. 

Supporting CSR initiatives 

equal ID logo

EQUAL.ID is a mentoring program for female students from TBS Education. It is led by female mentors, managers and executives. 

If you are interested in supporting gender equity your company can be involved in all the actions carried out by TBS Education as part of the EQUAL.ID program. 

  • Support female students in their career choices and strategies, 
  • Enable students to develop their professional network,
  • Help students negotiate the key phases of their career development and achieve their salary objectives, 
  • Prepare students to deal with potential discriminatory behavior. 

Your logo will be inserted on all TBS Education communication materials related to EQUAL.ID and on social networks and you will be invited to take part in and/or speak at events organized by TBS Education as part of the EQUAL.ID program. 

TBS Education is Supporting CSR initiatives : equal ID

Helping students in need 

Since the creation of the TBS Education Foundation in 2008, over 1,500 scholarships have been awarded to TBS Education students, with the aim of promoting equal opportunities and inclusion. Alongside the other partners, you will be invited to analyze and pre-select the applications, to take part in the award committee and the annual scholarship ceremony, and to present on stage one or more scholarships to students in financial difficulty. 

Benefit from the expertise of our Faculty

TBS Education research projects generate knowledge at the cutting edge of today’s big economic, technological, social and environmental challenges. Our research is either conducted internally or in partnerships with companies and institutions and is well-know for its academic rigor and its direct link to the world of business and management.